Disgusting Spaceworms Eat Everyone!!! (1988)


"The same cinematic school of “let’s get all our friends together and make a drug-induced movie… or something” espoused by both Nick Zedd and Scorcese bore the bitter fruit that is George Keller’s Disgusting Spaceworms Eat Everything. A budget soaring into the dozens of dollars was spent on a pound of mealworms, artificial bait, crazy glue, and several ounces of red food coloring which were splattered crudely in the streets and parking lots of LA. Obviously, these are the earmarks of classic pedigree.

I know it sounds like some highfalutin arty French film but Spaceworms is anything but. It’s low budget folks. It was shot entirely in one afternoon in an apartment, another apartment, and some sources say a third apartment, plus two different cars! From a planet made of pots and a table with a badly matted sky and a Revell model spaceship, the Spaceworms have received orders from the king worm to do something, presumably take over earth. So off they go. The worms end up in a big bag of coke being done by some sporty 80s jerkoff and after this guy chops up two lines for what seems like twenty of the film’s brisk 72 minutes, he blows the lines and then quick edit to rubber worms and blood stuck all over his face. Then he becomes a zombie. It’s kinda amazing how the worms are just chillin’ in this guy’s coke because later on the heroes throw a bag of snow in the same zombie guy’s face and he erupts in goop and noxious green gas.

Things progress, somewhat, or more precisely they go sideways as private eye Ray gets mixed up with this skank who’s negotiating a coke deal with some sleazeballs in a parking lot and the whole lot of ‘em get mixed up in this crazy spaceworm incident which by now has claimed, like, four or more lives by means of ghastly red dye spewing skeletonization. Cue the overly long driving shots of LA streets accompanied by soulless but snappy punk music by bands befriended by director Keller!

Somewhere in this mess, the end (sorry, THE BEGINNING as we are told by the highly original card flashed in the final frame) comes all too soon. Damn it, el cheapo brethren of Return of the Aliens’ Deadly Spawn, we had only just come to know ye."

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