Things: The Movie So Bad it Almost BROKE Me!

Ready to see one of the worst films ever made? Then you're in luck because we're covering Things in today's episode of Sick Flicks.

This 1989 Canuxploitation film from Andrew Jordan and Barry J. Gillis has to be seen to be believed. Featuring performances that make a cardboard box look like Laurence Olivier, terrible special effects, atrociously dubbed dialogue, Amber Lynn basically hanging out in a different movie, and a soundtrack that appears to have been written and performed on a Casio keyboard, Things truly is a masterpiece of bad cinema.

And yet, it's hard not to love it. Things isn't so bad it's good -- it's truly terrible -- but that really is part of the charm. You'll marvel at its ineptitude.

We know this one isn't going to deliver award-worthy performances or a brilliant script, but can Things earn the coveted 5 barf bag rating? Watch and find out!

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