Das KomaBrutale Duell (Heiko Fipper 1999) : The Making Of

"This is the real goriest film ever made, gorier than Braindead and Premutos, i love the "German ultra gore".

Everyone doesn't like this movie because, it's "boring" there are "crappy effects". The gore is present in every scene (example: bloody fights, decapitations, gunshot wounds, "autopsies"), i really can't see why people says that this movie is "boring" and seriously, do you care about acting ?

The soundtrack is cool.

The plot involves in a man called Heiko (played by Heiko Fipper, the director himself), who kills a mafia boss of the bandera family. The Bandera Family is not happy for this and one of their sons starts to kill all Heiko's family. Heiko, his three brothers and his girlfriend are the only who survived to the massacre. Now, Heiko and his brothers are going to plan a brutal revenge, after several years spent in coma.

Don't listen to all the negative reviews, if you are searching for the goriest film ever made....you found it !"
- Viva_Chiba / IMDb


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