„Zombiefilm“ in der Filmliste


Thema Antworten Likes Zugriffe Letzte Antwort

Ein Zombie hing am Glockenseil

137 102.616

Knorrhahn Siegberts

Return of the Living Dead

57 +1 46.913

tom bomb

Die Nacht der Creeps

32 21.533


Blood Quantum

13 5.170

tom bomb


79 +1 105.877

tom bomb

Die schwarzen Zombies von Sugar Hill

4 4.144

tom bomb

The Returned - Die Serie

12 7.927

tom bomb

World War Z

231 103.700


Ben & Mickey vs. The Dead

13 8.502

tom bomb

28 Days Later

40 34.804

tom bomb


2 853

tom bomb

All You Need is Blood

4 820

tom bomb

Operation: Overlord

31 16.638

tom bomb

Die Geisterstadt der Zombies

144 81.897

tom bomb

Das Leichenhaus der lebenden Toten

51 41.115

tom bomb

Shaun of the Dead

36 28.418

tom bomb

Resident Evil - Welcome to Raccoon City (Neuverfilmung)

66 +1 19.708


Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

9 10.236


Zombie Town (2023)

7 732

tom bomb

In the Flesh

3 3.755

tom bomb