
    • Produktionsland: USA
      Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
      Regie: Ryan Smith
      Drehbuch: Jason Parish, Ryan Smith
      Kamera: Blake McClure
      Spezialeffekte: Robert Fortner, Geoff Nixon, Dan Todd
      Musik: Tyler Smith
      Darsteller: Steven Strait, Karolina Wydra and Madison Lintz

      When two bus crash survivors awake to discover that they are the only people left in their small town, they must form an unlikely alliance in a race to unravel the truth behind their isolation. As strange events begin to unfold, they start to question whether the town they know so well is really what it seems.


      Deutsche DVD & Blu-Ray Fassung: 24.04.2015 (Verleih: 17.04.2015)